Can we achieve the same benefits with a beefed-up SCANZ (SCANZ+)?

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If we beefed up SCANZ we could transfer almost all NZ-wide aspects of SCA Offices to SCANZ counterparts, to deal with all out-of-game/real world tasks and projects. SCANZ, after all, reflects and supports our local legal requirements.

SCANZ is not, however, a day-to-day operational body – it deals with governance. Thus, it may struggle to deliver the level of services that Kingdom and group Officers provide. Demarcation of responsibilities, liability and communications would need to be very clearly defined and adhered to.

This idea would require a lot of process innovation and also additional staff appointed by SCANZ - which resurfaces one of main concerns about forming a Principality - how to get additional administrative support? Most importantly, it would also require a major deviation from known SCA and Kingdom operating processes and reporting chains. So, in effect, adding a novel layer of Officers – arguably equivalent to a Principality - under unusual operating circumstances and without any of the in-game benefits.
